What to bring to Pantanal

Pantanal wear must be light quick dry clothes. Generally, in khaki, green, brown. In fact, most of them are mosquito bite proof. Occasionally, long sleeve shirts and pents with zippers, in order to switch them to shorts. You can shop for hiking clothes very easily on the internet.

Althogh, sun lotion is necessary. Unquestionably, factor 30 is the minimum you should use. In the Pantanal, the days are mostly sunny and the temperatures can go up to 48 degrees in shade. In addition, a hat or a cap are a basic Pantanal wear. It is always a good idea.

What to bring to Pantanal to go hiking in the forests. In that case, the visitors should bring a pair of light sneakers or hiking boots. Most importantly, tourists should keep in mind that, they´d better bring two or three pair of shoes in the wet season when it can possibly rain.

Obviously, insect repellent is something visitors cannot forget to put in their baggage. Spray or lotion, both are good ideas to avoid the insects during the hikes or jaguar tours by boat. There are millions of mosquitoes in the forests in the dry season and billions of them in the wet season.

Binoculars are a very useful tool to observe birds in a distance, specially the tiny ones. Cameras are definitely what to bring to Pantanal, It is the best way to bring some of the good memories back home. Awesome for a jaguar safari activity too.

Some basic medicine is also what to bring to a Pantanal Safari. Surely, anti alergics against mosquito and wasp bites. Not only lotion but also pills. Aspirine, and whatever is necessary. No malaria pills. Pantanal is not a malaria area. There´s no Lyme disease in Pantanal.
What to bring to Pantanal
In the months of june to august is winter and the temperature can go down from 12 to 6 degrees. People must think that making a boat drive riding 50 kms per hour it feels like much coldeer than that. Jackets and Pullovers are things what to bring to Pantanal too. On the other hand, from October to april is the rainy season and visitors must think about raincoats.
These are some of the most important objects visitors have to think of what to bring to Pantanal.