Facts about the Pantanal Anaconda snake.
Eventually, these are some fun facts about the Pantanal Anaconda snake or Yellow Anaconda. In fact, Eunectes notaeus, is a species of snake, originally from South America. In short, this reptile inhabits the marshes of the Pantanal . Jaguar safari tourists can see them not only crossing the Transpantaneira, but also in nests on the banks of the river. They are not poisonous. Therefore, they strangle their prey.

First of all, Pantanal Anaconda snake or Yellow Anaconda measures 60 centimeters when it is just born. However, in adulthood. It can measure up to 5 meters in length. As an adult. She weighs from 25 to 40 pounds. Females are larger than males. Second, this snake reaches sexual maturity. At 3 years old. They are serially monogamous. In the fertile period, they form a breeding ball. In other words, a group of males around a single female. The mating period is from March to May. It takes between 20 to 30 days. They are ovoviviparous. They can lay 40 to 80 eggs per clutch.
Geographic distribution of the Pantanal Anaconda.
In fact, this reptile occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. However, it occurs in the Midwest, South and Southeast regions of Brazil. Explicitly, this reptile occurs in greater numbers in the Pantanal. Due to the abundance of food in this ecosystem. In all regions.
Pantanal Anaconda´s Diet.
Overall, your diet includes. Birds, eggs, fish, reptiles and small mammals. So that prey does not escape behind the boat, they have a large inwardly curved denture. They bite their prey and consequently strangle them to death. Thus, an adult anaconda eats once every five days, but this time can take up to a month. So it depends on the size of the captured prey. From the needs of each individual. And the abundance of food in their habitat.

Finally, the Yellow Anaconda belong to a semi-aquatic group of snakes. In fact, they are one of the largest snakes in the world. Although it is no more than 5 meters long. Contrary to what many believe, Anacondas do not attack humans. However, they can become dangerous if they feel threatened.
Relationship with humans.
In Brazil. The Indians Kaxinawá tell a myth about the Pantanal Anaconda. That will. There was a man. Called Yube this. By virtue of falling in love with an anaconda woman. It turned into an anaconda as well. As a result, he went to live with her, in the rivers of the Amazon. At first, everything was going very well. but, one day, Yube, without warning his wife, decided to return to his group. When he came out of the water, he didn’t get his human form, instead he immediately transformed into a vine. As a result, this vine, together with the leaves of a local plant, gave the trive the recipe for a tea with healing powers. tea was used primarily in the group’s religious rituals. Second, the Kaxinawás. This myth explains the origin of Ayahuasca.
Pantanal Anaconda and Cannibalism.
Cannibalism is common among the Pantanal Anacondas. Sexual cannibalism has only been confirmed in Eunectes murinus. Namely, the green anaconda. Due to, females are much larger than males. This species gains the benefit of a post-copulatory meal. Cannibalism outside the mating season has not been confirmed in Eunectes deschauenseei. Namely, the spotted anaconda.
First of all, the Pantanal Anaconda is the reason why many visitors travel to Brazil. With that in mind, tourists come on a Pantanal safari trip and arrive at Pantanal National Park , with the dream of seeing them up close. Second, on the Transpantaneira road, the possibility of seeing an anaconda is very good. In fact, in the rainy season, from December to May, the chances are even greater. The are very important for this biome. Equally important is the fact that they bring income to the local population through tourism. Foreign tourists account for about 80% of the total number of visitors. In all, millions of reais enter the country through them. In short, these animals are a great attraction and ecotourism is the best way to preserve this environment.